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 Resources available in Spanish/Información en Español: Immigration & Citizenship, Housing, Health, Employment, Education, Community, Legal Services, Daily Life: https://settlement.org/translated-information/spanish/

It is challenging to find work, especially when you are new to Canada. Learn what to expect, where to find information about jobs in Ontario, and who to talk to if you want help. Categories: find a job, financial assistance, My Rights at Work, Working in Canada, Social Insurance Number, Plan My Career, Professions and Trades, Business and Self-employment, Volunteer: https://settlement.org/ontario/employment/

Which City will you live in? Do you want a house or apartment? What can you expect as a tenant or a homeowner? Learn about your options and how to find a home that is right for you. Categories: Living in Ontario, Rent a Home, Buy a Home, Subsidized Housing, Emergency and Short-Term Housing, Home Safety, Housing for Seniors: https://settlement.org/ontario/housing/

Moving to a new country can be a stressful experience. It is important to take care of your health during this transition and after. Find information about health insurance, how to find a doctor or other medical professional, and health services for you and your family. Categories: OHIP and Health Care, Find a doctor or Medical Professional, Community and Public Health, Mental Health and Addiction, Emergency Services, Nutrition and Healthy Living, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Health, Refugee Health, Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities, Disability: https://settlement.org/ontario/health/

You can find many educational opportunities in Ontario. Find information about how to continue your education, improve your English skills, and help your children succeed in school. Categories: Elementary and Secondary School, Colleges, Universities and Institutes, Adult Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Evaluate My Credentials, Literacy: https://settlement.org/ontario/education/

The Canadian legal system protects you in many different areas of your life. Find information about your legal rights and responsibilities and how to get legal help. Categories: Legal Aid and Community Clinics, Lawyers and Other Legar Help, Human Rights, Courts, Police: https://settlement.org/ontario/legal-services/

https://settlement.org/ontario/immigration-citizenship/ Moving to a new country can be exciting and challenging. Find information about what to expect when you arrive, residency and immigration status, and your rights and responsibilities in Canada.

In this section, you can find answers to frequent questions about daily life in Ontario. Categories: Transportation, Communication, Seniors, Consumer Protection, Personal Finance, Insurance, Shopping, Life Events, Families and Children: https://settlement.org/ontario/daily-life/

Participating in community activities is important.  They can help you meet people and adjust to your new life in Canada. Learn about your choices and where to find activities that interest you. Categories: Get Involved in My Community, Religion and Worship, Arts and Culture, Sports and Recreation, Libraries and Learning: https://settlement.org/ontario/community/

City Shelter – 129 Peter St. (in-person)

Shelters, Central Intake 1-877-338-3398

FCJ Refugee Centre –  The FCJ Refugee Centre has a mandate to assist refugees and others at risk due to their immigration states: https://www.fcjrefugeecentre.org/

Romero House: https://romerohouse.org/

Quaker Committee for Refugees provides information and referrals and helps in filling out forms, applying for work permits, accessing health care coverage, connecting to legal services, etc.

Go to site: https://quakerservice.ca/our-work/refugees/

For information on the TDSB (Toronto District School Board, please see here: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/ 

For information on the TCDSB (Toronto Catholic District School Board), please see here: https://www.tcdsb.org/

Click below to know your political representatives in your geographical area.

Parliament of Canada: https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/search

Legislative Assembly of Ontario: https://www.ola.org/en/members/current

City Council: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/council/members-of-council/

Access academic research and publications about the Salvadoran Diaspora in Canada and United States.

 “We don’t talk about Trauma”: El Salvadorians and Community Trauma, M, Carranza, K. Moffat, S. McGrat & B. Lee, Published online Feb. 28, 2022 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15575330.2022.2042346 

Salvadoran Immigrants to Canada https://canadaimmigrants.com/salvadoran-immigrants-canada/

El Salvador: Civil War, Natural Disasters, and Gang Violence Drive Migration. Cecilia Menjivar and Andrea Gomez Cervantes. Published on August 29, 2018. Migration Policy Institute. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/el-salvador-civil-war-natural-disasters-and-gang-violence-drive-migration