DHCP – Desarrollo Humano Popular en Arcatao
- Provide scholarships to low-income university students in rural El Salvador.
- Impact processes of social and educational development through the involvement of youth and parents.
- Increase the level of literacy by improving educational and health standards in areas inhabited by low-income families and those affected by extreme poverty.
- Improve the living environment of the students by providing educational materials and meeting administrative cost through collaboration with a local team responsible for follow-up and reporting on the academic progress of the students.
- Involve Canadian youth in solidarity with Salvadoran youth, generating social conscience and concrete commitment towards disadvantaged communities.
Community Profile
Arcatao is located 32 km east from Chalatenango at the border with the Republic of Honduras in a small valley between the mountains; La Cañada and Caracol. Rivers include the Sumpul River, Lempa River, Zazalapa River and the Guayampoque River. The small villages are: Cerro Grande, Eramon, Las Vegas, Los Sitios, Teosinte and Los Filos.
Population: 3, 000 inhabitants
Nueva Trinidad is a population of El Salvador belonging to the Department of Chalatenango. At approximately 19 km to the east of the Departmental Capital.
It limits to the north with the Republic of Honduras, to the east with Arcatao, to the southeast with San Antonio de la Cruz, to the southwest with San Isidro Labrador and San José Las Flores and to the northwest with Ojos de Agua. It is surrounded by various geographical features such as: the Sumpul River and the streams: Guayampoque, Gualcinga, Pacacio and Patamera. It is also surrounded by the highest mountains of Cerro El Gavilán, La Cueva del León, El Zacate, El Pintado and El Coyote. Population: 2, 000 inhabitants.